

"The power I exert on the court depends on the power of my arguments, not on my gender. - Sandra Day O'Connor"

Welcome to the Women Lawyers Association website. This website was born out of a desire to better serve the legal needs of Indiana from both the client and attorney perspective. We invite you to explore the site and discover what the Women Lawyers Association has to offer.

We want to let the public know that our organization exists and that we are here to inform you and help you navigate the legal system. By creating a centralized website, we hope to assist the public to quickly and easily access legal resources and to provide a list of lawyers capable of serving a variety of legal needs.

In addition to providing a resource for the citizens of Indiana, we also want to provide a resource for lawyers. This website provides information about our organization and describes the benefits of membership, not the least of which are the numerous resources available to and from our members.

On behalf of the Women Lawyers Association, we want to thank you for your interest.

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